From one side you have a job, a spouse and maybe children
and from the other side, do you try to allocate some time to yourself?
Yourself... Health of your body, stillness of your mind,
peace in your soul...
In which of them you have balance in your life?
In which of them you have balance in your life?
Work, spouse, family, health and yourself...
For a well balance life the most important issue is to determine the priorities in our life and to look over the structure of our life.
For a well balance life the most important issue is to determine the priorities in our life and to look over the structure of our life.
Are We Aware of Our Priorities?
In order to identify priorities, Stephen Covey’s books are extraordinary guides. According to Covey,
we are mostly occupied with things that is uncovered with the mask of "urgent". These so called urgent things can
be important or unimportant to you. The curial part to eliminate these things
and replace them with ones which is important but not urgent. This means even
the tasks can be planned in advance and they will not become urgent. This needs
also preparation. Hence finally we have more time for the really important things in our life.
Now, it comes to identify the really things that has
priority for us. Have we ever think of what really matters to us without
consideriation of what other people think about and without the belief systems
that we obtained from our family, the society or our peers?
Are we aware of the followings? The job that we will enjoy, the relationships with each of our family members, our friends, our body, our nutrition, the things that we read, spiritual and mental activities...
Are we aware of the followings? The job that we will enjoy, the relationships with each of our family members, our friends, our body, our nutrition, the things that we read, spiritual and mental activities...
As we become aware of the above, we can be joyful, high
motivated and can move our life in a more energetic way. Our life start to flow
with ease and joy.
First of all, we can get rid of the time-killers; watching television, reading newspaper, endless TV
series, being a sports fan, playing games in an extreme way, spending too much
time on the Net and the latest addiction:
I do share, so I am!
Taking photos and sharing continuously and the craziness of liking and sharing the others’ sharings of all kind of photos and videos etc. Checking in every place we go, sharing all the food and drink we had!
I do share, so I am!
Taking photos and sharing continuously and the craziness of liking and sharing the others’ sharings of all kind of photos and videos etc. Checking in every place we go, sharing all the food and drink we had!
Second thing we can do is to recognize the energy-killers; too much alcohol,
over-exercising, too much food, coffee, sugar, too much carbonhydrate,
over-thinking, sleeping less and irregularly...
How Is Our Life’s Structure?
So as we recognize the prrorities, that is great! Now it is
time to have structure that we can live accordingly. What kind of mentality and
belief systems we have? We have the tendency to think and behave using the
previous mentality and belief systems we have learned. These automatically
creates our thoughts and emotions which leads to our habits...
First great step is observation.
Minimum one week or a month we should spend to observe ourselves and take
notes; what are we doing, what kind reactions we gave, what are we generally
think and feel... Start to be a watcher!
Second step is to find the source of these patterns; parents,
school, culture or religion...
The moment we identify the source, the reason, it is the moment that we are free! We are no longer part of the belief system that is external.
The moment we identify the source, the reason, it is the moment that we are free! We are no longer part of the belief system that is external.
Next thing is to replace the automatic thinking patterns
with the ones that we prefer and surely with the positive ones according to our
own values. This needs dicipline and intimacy to change; and some patience. Be
aware that the old habits will try to come back. Be alert and get used to be
watcher all the time.
At these stages, comparing ourselves with other people,
rushing for results, putting high targets in short run will decrease our
motivation. Besides, the ego which
hates any kind of change will also try to bring us back to the comfort zone we
had before.
Able To Say NO
People who usually crosses our boundaries, steal our time
would not like the progress that we will have. In some cases, these people
could be the closest ones to us. With a calm manner, it is proper to express
ourselves and say no to them... This is the thing we should learn. And
sometimes even we should learn to say no to ourselves; the fake personalities that
we have inside!
While doing all these stesp, we may need some help... When
the student is ready the master will appear... We can consult to the people
that we are inspired. On the other hand we should never forget that replacing
the current situation with a guru or teaching will not change much.
The balance in our life can established only by us and we
already have whatever required in us.
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